Financial Crime World

Cybercrime in Finance Industry on the Rise in Saint Pierre and Miquelon: Experts Warn

Cyber threats continue to evolve and intensify globally, and experts are sounding the alarm about a disturbing trend in Saint Pierre and Miquelon: financial institutions are increasingly becoming the target of devastating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Unprecedented Level of Cybercrime Activity

According to recent data analysis, Saint Pierre and Miquelon’s finance industry is facing an unprecedented level of cybercrime activity. The statistics paint a stark picture:

  • In the past six months alone, the finance sector has been hit with 100 DDoS attacks.
  • Bandwidth reached as high as 47 Gbps, and throughput peaked at 9 Mpps.
  • The average duration of these attacks was a mere 13 minutes, leaving little time for financial institutions to respond.

Top Vectors Used in Attacks

The top vectors used in these attacks include:

  • ARMS amplification
  • DNS amplification
  • ICMP
  • NTP amplification
  • SNMP amplification
  • SSDP amplification
  • TCP SYN/ACK amplification
  • TFTP amplification
  • UDP
  • WS-DD amplification

Most Targeted Sectors

The most targeted sectors within the finance industry include wired telecommunications carriers.

Experts’ Warning

Experts warn that these attacks are not only disrupting financial services but also threatening the stability of the entire economy. “The DDoS threat landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s essential for Saint Pierre and Miquelon’s finance industry to stay ahead of adversaries by monitoring and analyzing their behavior and targets in real-time,” said a cybersecurity expert.

Call to Action

As the battle against cybercrime intensifies, financial institutions are urged to take immediate action to protect themselves from these devastating attacks. With the stakes higher than ever before, it’s crucial that Saint Pierre and Miquelon’s finance industry comes together to share knowledge and best practices in order to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape.

Take immediate action to protect yourself from DDoS attacks!