Title: Danish Financial Sector’s Drive to Enhance KYC Procedures: A Look at CVR, MitID, and Data Sharing
Strengthening Anti-Money Laundering Efforts in Denmark
On March 27, 2019, the Danish government announced political agreement on fortifying measures against financial crimes. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA) pledged support to the financial sector’s endeavor to establish a common infrastructure for Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures (Finansportal, 2019).
Importance of KYC Procedures in combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF)
- Essential component in fighting ML/TF
- Facilitates risk assessment and transaction monitoring
- Ongoing reporting of suspicious activities to Danish Financial Intelligence Unit (Danish FIU)
Challenges of Traditional KYC Procedures
Customers’ Perspective
- Burden of providing identifying data
- Privacy concerns
Obliged Entities’ Perspective
- Complex process of obtaining and verifying customer master data
- Limited access to relevant data sources
- Legal restrictions on sharing information
Achieving More Effective KYC Procedures: Danish Innovations and Partnerships
CVR and Business Information
- Digital source for verifying company information
- Outlined in Money Laundering Act (MLA)
- Danish Business Authority manages CVR
MitID: Electronic Identity Solution
- Enhances customer identity verification
- Security improvements over previous NemID
- Further exploration of potential applications in KYC procedures
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
- Cooperation between authorities and financial institutions
- Seeking to foster data sharing and develop typologies
Balancing Effectiveness and Efficiency with Legal and Privacy Concerns
Continuing efforts toward international collaboration and addressing the challenges mentioned above will be crucial to creating a more efficient and effective KYC process. Striking a balance between the objectives of improved ML/TF detection and data privacy concerns and legal restrictions remains essential.
Finansportal. (2019, March 28). DANMARK VILL STREBENE PÅ AFKORTNING AV PENGEVAENDELSE [Danmark Wants to Strengthen Efforts Against Money Laundering] Retrieved from https://www.finansportal.dk/nyheder/finansnyheder/danmark-vil-strebene-paa-afkortning-av-pengevaendense--253158.aspx. Accessed 01 April 2023.