Financial Crime World

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Fraud Detection Framework Developed for Credit Card Imbalanced Data in Financial Services

A team of researchers from Egypt University and Menoufia University has developed an ensemble machine learning approach to classify fake news, which can also be applied to detect fraud in credit card transactions. The framework, described in a recent paper published in the journal Futur Gener Comput Syst, uses effective feature extraction techniques to improve the accuracy of imbalanced datasets.


Credit card fraud is a significant problem for financial institutions, with millions of dollars lost each year. The challenge lies in identifying fraudulent transactions amidst a vast amount of normal transactions.

Imbalanced Datasets

Imbalanced datasets pose a major challenge in machine learning, where the minority class (fraudulent transactions) is significantly smaller than the majority class (normal transactions). Traditional machine learning algorithms often struggle to handle this imbalance, leading to poor performance and low accuracy rates.


To address this issue, the researchers employed an ensemble machine learning approach, which combines multiple algorithms to improve accuracy and robustness. The framework uses effective feature extraction techniques to select the most relevant features from the dataset and reduce dimensionality.

Feature Extraction Techniques

The study used several feature extraction techniques, including:

  • Borderline-SMOTE
  • Density-based Under-sampling Algorithm

These methods aim to address the class imbalance problem by oversampling or undersampling the minority class (fraudulent transactions) to achieve better classification performance.

Experimental Results

The researchers tested their framework using several publicly available credit card fraud datasets and achieved high accuracy rates, outperforming existing methods. The study’s findings demonstrate the potential of ensemble machine learning approaches for detecting fraudulent activities in credit card transactions.


“This research contributes to the development of efficient fraud detection frameworks for imbalanced data in financial services,” said Abd El-Naby, lead author of the paper. “Our approach can be applied to various applications where class imbalance is a significant challenge.”

The study’s results have significant implications for the financial industry, highlighting the importance of developing effective solutions for detecting fraudulent activities in credit card transactions.


  • TR, Maddikunta PKR, Khan WZ (2021) An ensemble machine learning approach through effective feature extraction to classify fake news. Futur Gener Comput Syst 117:47–58
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  • He H, Bai Y, Garcia E, Li S (2008) ADASYN: Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Approach for Imbalanced Learning.
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