Digital Identity Verification Methods Advance in Cayman Islands and Jamaica
Strengthening National Identity: Cayman Islands Moves Forward with Digital ID Verification Methods
The Cayman Islands has passed two key bills - the Identification Register Bill and Cayman Islands Identification Card Bill - aimed at strengthening national identity. The opposition parties initially voted against the legislation, but the government proceeded with creating a digital register while raising public awareness of the national identity system.
Key Features of the Digital ID System
- Free ID cards for the first time issued
- Estimated cost of CI$8 million (US$9.6 million) over the first five years if everyone voluntarily enrolls
- Centralized scheme open to minors, allowing registrars to enter children without birth certificates
- Users have control over whether they opt-in for the ID, what fields they fill in, and access to their profile information
Security Measures
- Unauthorized collection of identification information could result in a fine of CI$20,000
- Attempting to access the register without permission would also incur a fine of CI$20,000
- Physical card is contactless, allowing for online identity verification
Jamaica Launches National Digital ID Pilot
Meanwhile, Jamaica has launched the technical pilot for its National Identification Scheme (NIDS). Prime Minister Andrew Holness emphasized the system’s security and government commitment to rolling it out. The digital ID system aims to be one of the safest in the world.
Key Features of NIDS
- Expected to be completed by the end of the financial year, paving the way for ICAO certification
- All parishes will be involved in the following financial year
- 24 post offices serving as NIDS sites and a mobile version planned for the future
Supporting NIDS Enrollment: “Operation Birthright”
Jamaica has also launched ‘Operation Birthright’, issuing free birth certificates to 11,000 children and adults without the document to aid their NIDS enrollment.