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Solomon Islands National Disaster Risk Management Plan 2009


The Solomon Islands Government has launched its comprehensive plan to manage disaster risk management in the country. The National Disaster Risk Management Plan aims to reduce the impacts of disasters on the lives and livelihoods of Solomon Islanders.


Disaster risk management is a development issue that requires a whole-of-government approach. The plan recognizes that disasters can have significant economic, social, and environmental impacts, and that effective management of disaster risks is essential for sustainable development.

Key Objectives

  • Set explicit structures across levels of government, sectors, and communities for preparing for, managing, and recovering from disasters.
  • Establish mechanisms for understanding hazards and addressing disaster risk reduction, including climate change adaptation, within national, sector, and provincial planning and budgeting processes.
  • Promote initiatives in disaster risk management that are gender and child specific, recognizing particular roles and vulnerabilities in communities.

Key Principles

Whole-of-Government Approach

  • Disaster risk management is a development issue that requires a whole-of-government approach.
  • Effective management of disaster risks is essential for sustainable development.
  • The plan recognizes the importance of community-led approaches to disaster risk management.
  • Disaster risk management is everyone’s business and requires a whole-of-country approach.


The scope of this plan includes:

Institutional Arrangements

  • Institutional arrangements for the overview and implementation of disaster risk management in Solomon Islands
  • Roles, accountabilities, and relationships of agencies with functions under this Plan

Processes and Procedures

  • Processes for declaring and activating a state of disaster
  • Special powers available during a state of disaster
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)
  • Hazard specific contingency plans

Agency Accountability and Resourcing

Agencies with a role under this Plan are responsible for resourcing their role. During and following a disaster, agencies may submit requests through the Council to Government for supplementary funding.


The implementation of this plan will require coordination across government sectors, civil society, and the private sector.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)

All committees, sub-committees, or clusters having a role under this Plan must prepare SOP’s. These SOP’s must set out the membership, terms of reference, and mode of activation and operation of the committee, sub-committee, or cluster.

Hazard Specific Contingency Plans

The plan also allows for hazard specific contingency plans to be prepared to supplement the general provisions of this Plan. These plans must be approved by the Council once prepared.

Overall, the Solomon Islands National Disaster Risk Management Plan 2009 is a comprehensive plan that aims to reduce the impacts of disasters on the lives and livelihoods of Solomon Islanders. Its implementation will require coordination across government sectors, civil society, and the private sector.