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Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines in Dominica
Who and What Services Are Governed by the Guidelines
The anti-money laundering (AML) guidelines in Dominica govern a wide range of financial services providers. These include:
- Financial Institutions:
- Banking business
- Financial business (as defined in the Banking Act)
- Venture risk Capital
- Money transmission services
- Issuing and administering means of payment (e.g., credit cards, travellers’ cheques, bankers’ draft)
- Guarantees and commitments
- Trading for own account or for account of customers in money market instruments, foreign exchange, financial and commodity-based derivative instruments, transferable or negotiable instruments
- Money broking
- Non-Financial Businesses:
- Money lending and pawning
- Money exchange (e.g., casa de cambio)
- Mutual Funds
- Credit unions
- Building societies
- Trust business
- Insurance business
- Real estate business
- Car dealership
- Casinos (gaming houses)
- Courier services
- Jewellery business
- Internet gaming & wagering services
- Management companies
- Asset management and advice custodial services
- Nominee service
- Registered Agents
- Other Businesses:
- Any business transaction conducted at a post office involving money orders
- Securities brokerage
- Telecommunications companies
- Utility companies
- Securities Exchange
When Does the Guide Apply to a Transaction
The AML guide applies to a relevant financial transaction involving an arrangement between two or more parties when at least one of the parties is acting in the course of business. It also applies to the formation of a “business relationship” with the purpose of agreeing an arrangement to facilitate the carrying out of relevant financial transactions on a frequent, habitual, or regular basis.
The Money Laundering Legislation
The legislation specifically relating to money laundering in Dominica is contained in:
- Money Laundering Prevention Act (No 8 of 2011)
- Proceeds of Crime Act (No 4 of 1993)
For more information on definitions and offences, please see Appendix 1.