Dominica’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) Framework: Assessment Report
Executive Summary
Dominica’s AML/CTF framework has been assessed to identify areas of improvement. The report highlights key findings, including a moderate to high risk profile for money laundering, ineffective enforcement practices, and vulnerabilities in terrorist financing.
Risk Profile
Dominica’s Risk Profile
- Moderate to High Risk: Due to its strategic location and financial system, Dominica has a moderate to high risk profile for money laundering.
- Inaccurate National Risk Assessment (NRA): The NRA deemed the risk of ML as “low,” which does not accurately reflect the country’s risk profile.
Bullet Points:
- High volume of cash transactions
- Limited international cooperation
- Lack of transparency in beneficial ownership
Enforcement Practices
Investigation and Prosecution
- Reactive Approach: Dominica takes a reactive approach to identifying ML cases, rather than proactive measures.
- Insufficient Investigations: There have been instances of ML investigations and prosecutions, but they are not commensurate with Dominica’s risk profile.
Bullet Points:
- Limited resources for AML enforcement
- Lack of coordination between law enforcement agencies
- Inadequate training for AML investigators
Confiscation of Proceeds
Legal Framework
- Sound Legal Framework: Dominica has a sound legal framework for freezing, seizing, and confiscating proceeds of crimes.
- Low Proportion of Confiscations: The proportion of non-declared or falsely declared cash or bulk transactions that are confiscated is low.
Terrorist Financing (TF)
Legal Framework
- Strong Legal Framework: Dominica has a strong legal framework for criminalizing TF.
- NRA Did Not Consider Several TF Vulnerabilities
- No Prosecutions: The country has not prosecuted any cases related to TF in the period under review.
- Limited Investigations: Authorities have investigated seven TF cases, with six closed and one considered for ML prosecution.
Terrorist Financing Sanctions (TFS)
Legal Framework
- Updated Legal Framework: Dominica has updated its legal framework required by UNSCR 1267 and 1373.
Central Authority Procedures
- Deficient Freeze Without Delay Mechanism
- Inaccurate Distinguishing Between UNSCR Resolutions
- Improve NRA: Improve the National Risk Assessment to reflect a more accurate risk profile for ML and TF.
- Enhance Proactive Measures: Enhance proactive measures for identifying and investigating ML cases.
- Strengthen Confiscation System: Strengthen the confiscation system by increasing the proportion of non-declared or falsely declared cash or bulk transactions that are confiscated.
- Conduct Sector Review: Conduct a comprehensive sector review of NPOs (non-profit organizations) to inform the country’s assessment of TF risk.
- Provide Training: Provide specific training for the FSU on TF risks and vulnerabilities in NPOs.
These recommendations aim to strengthen Dominica’s AML/CTF framework, improve its risk profile, and enhance enforcement practices to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.