Title: International Efforts to Combat Financial Crime: Spotlight on The Netherlands
Key Players Unite Against Financial Crime
The Netherlands, known for its robust economy and strategic geographic location, has become a focal point for international efforts to combat financial crime. The Dutch Central Bank spearheaded “risk-based roundtables” in 2023, leading to increased collaboration in the financial sector.
- Dutch Central Bank led “risk-based roundtables” in 2023
- Increased collaboration within the sector
- Industry baselines enhance risk relevancy of banks
Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Financial Crime Threats
Recognizing the need for more concrete guidelines, the Dutch Banking Association (NVB) and five major banks collaborated on a comprehensive Financial Crime Threat Assessment for banks.
- Research on financial crime threats in The Netherlands
- Foundation for a more detailed threat assessment
Financial Crime Threat Assessment for The Netherlands
- Sets foundation for banks’ assessment
- Seventeen distinct characteristics grouped into seven features
- International trade centre
- Geographic location
- International financial hub
- Technology and digital environment
- Social and cultural environment
- Political environment
- Maturity of industries
Addressing the Most Relevant Threats
The Financial Crime Threat Assessment identifies various financial crime threats and will enable banks to prioritize their efforts in combating these crimes.
- Financial crime threats
- Arms trafficking
- Bribery and corruption
- Concealment of beneficial ownership
- Concealment of identity
- Drugs economy
- Environmental crime
- Extremism
- Fragmentation of the payment landscape
- Other threats (not specified in the text)
Collaborative Efforts Yielding Positive Results
The cooperative approach between banks and the public sector has led to successful financial crime prevention efforts.
- Strengthening financial crime prevention efforts
- Combining resources and expertise from banks and public sector
- Demonstrating commitment to combating financial crime
- Protecting the integrity of the financial system
Note: Some details might be added or adjusted for better readability and to maintain a clear structure.