Financial Crime World

Economic Governance and Reform Progress in the Kyrgyz Republic

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released a report highlighting the Kyrgyz Republic’s economic governance and reform progress. The report assesses the country’s performance in various areas, including judicial effectiveness, fiscal governance and public financial management (PFM), anti-corruption framework, and anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism (AML/CFT).

Judicial Effectiveness

  • Challenges: The lack of trust in the judiciary poses inefficiencies and constrains growth.
  • Recommendations: Strengthening judicial effectiveness is crucial for the Kyrgyz Republic’s development.

Fiscal Governance and Public Financial Management (PFM)

  • Importance: Sound PFM practices are essential to support development.
  • Comparison: Countries with effective PFM perform consistently better in terms of development outcomes.
  • Progress: The Kyrgyz Republic has made efforts to improve its PFM practices, but there is still room for improvement.

Anti-Corruption Framework

  • Adoption: The Kyrgyz Republic adopted a financial disclosures law in 2017 to deter corruption.
  • Limitations: However, the sanctions regime for non-submission is unclear, and coverage does not include close relatives.
  • Recommendations: Enforceable, transparent, and comprehensive financial disclosure by public officials is crucial to combat corruption.

Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financial Terrorism (AML/CFT)

  • Legislative Framework: The Kyrgyz Republic has strengthened its AML/CFT legislation, including a new AML/CFT Law in 2018.
  • Effectiveness: However, the country lags on the effectiveness of managing related risks.
  • Recommendations: Improving the effectiveness of AML/CFT measures is essential to prevent financial crimes.


The IMF report provides an assessment of the Kyrgyz Republic’s progress in various areas and identifies key priorities for reform to support sustainable development and economic growth. Addressing these challenges will require a coordinated effort from all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and international partners.