Financial Crime World

Ecuador’s Performance in Addressing Organized Crime

Security Environment: Challenges and Progress

While Ecuador is considered a moderately fragile state, the country has made improvements over the last decade. The murder rate has decreased, indicating progress in addressing security concerns.

  • Organized crime infiltration: Unfortunately, organized crime has compromised public institutions and eroded trust in authorities.
  • Corruption remains a challenge: Implementation of existing legislation and access to information are considered low.

Leadership and Governance: Laws and Resources

Ecuador’s national laws are robust and adequate to combat organized crime. However, implementation is hindered by resource constraints.

  • Signed treaties and conventions: The country has ratified several international agreements to fight organized crime and has extradition agreements with key regional countries.
  • Lacking resources: Despite these agreements, the necessary resources to implement them are often lacking.

Criminal Justice and Security: Challenges

Ecuador’s judiciary lacks independence, limiting its ability to effectively pursue corruption and money-laundering investigations. The penitentiary system is overcrowded, with prisons controlled by mafia-style groups.

  • Specialized law enforcement unit: A collaborative unit works with international counterparts to counter organized crime.
  • Penitentiary system challenges: Prisons are largely controlled by violent groups fighting for control.

Economic and Financial Environment: Progress and Challenges

Ecuador has a sound legal framework to fight money laundering. However, these crimes are still common, and few charges end in convictions.

  • Moderate-risk country: Ecuador is assessed as a moderate-risk country for doing business.
  • Few convictions: Few charges related to money laundering result in criminal convictions.

Civil Society and Social Protection: Progress

Ecuador has reported a national system for protecting and assisting victims and witnesses. Civil society organizations are active, despite government regulations.

  • Victim protection system: A comprehensive system covers the entire country.
  • Media freedom: The media plays a key role in investigating crimes, including corruption, particularly by the state.


While Ecuador has made progress in addressing organized crime, significant challenges remain. Corruption, lack of resources, and limited capacity to monitor and patrol its territory are among these challenges. Addressing these issues will be crucial for further improving security and stability in the country.