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Ecuador: Economic and Social Developments from 2007 to 2023


Economic Overview

Ecuador’s economy has been heavily reliant on oil exports over the past two decades. Key economic indicators during this period include:

  • Oil exports accounted for around 50% of export revenues between 2007 and 2014.
  • The average price of WTI Crude Oil during the Correa administration was $77.70, while during the Lasso administration it has been $83.76.

IMF Program

In 2019, Ecuador implemented an IMF program aimed at reducing its fiscal deficit. Key components of this program include:

  • A 5% of GDP fiscal adjustment over three years.
  • Measures to switch from direct to indirect taxation.
  • Elimination of the ceiling on interest rates.
  • Introduction of an in-country liquidity requirement for banks.

Social and Political Developments

Ecuador has experienced significant social and political challenges since 2020, including:

  • Over 400 inmates have been killed in prisons between 2020 and July 2023, with a recent massacre leaving at least 31 dead.
  • The Citizen Revolution Movement is the largest party represented in congress but did not secure a majority on its own.
  • Reforms to the labor code have weakened protections for workers under the Lasso administration.

Health and COVID-19

Ecuador’s healthcare system was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with:

  • A 2.9 times higher rate of excess deaths compared to the United States in 2020.
  • Shortages of medical supplies and personnel.

Other Developments

Additional reforms implemented by the Lasso administration include:

  • Measures to stem capital flight through the currency exit tax.
  • Ongoing efforts to stabilize the economy despite fluctuations in oil prices.