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Turkmenistan’s President Secures Reelection with 97% of Vote, Critics Slam Election as Unfair

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan - In a widely criticized election, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov secured his reelection with an overwhelming 97% of the vote. The poll was marred by allegations of fraud and intimidation, with opposition groups calling for the result to be voided.

The Election: A Sham?

Criticism from Opposition Groups

“The election was a sham, and we call on the international community to reject the result,” said a spokesperson for the opposition group, the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.

Allegations of Fraud and Intimidation

The poll was marred by allegations of fraud and intimidation, with many voters reporting that they were forced to cast their ballots in favor of the president. Opposition groups claim that the election was neither free nor fair, and that the result does not reflect the will of the people.

Government Control over Religion

Restrictions on Religious Freedom

Turkmenistan’s 2016 Religion Law has been criticized for restricting religious freedom in the country. The law requires religious groups to register with the Ministry of Justice and prohibits unregistered groups from operating. The government also tightly controls the appointment of religious leaders, the construction of houses of worship, and the importation of religious literature.

Conscientious Objectors Imprisoned

Conscientious objectors, primarily Jehovah’s Witnesses, have been imprisoned for refusing to comply with compulsory military service on religious grounds. In 2019, seven conscientious objectors were arrested and charged under article 219(1) of the Criminal Code, with sentences ranging from one to four years in prison.

Government Control over Islam

State-Mandated Content for Imams

The government has direct control over the practice of Islam in Turkmenistan, appointing religious leaders and dictating the content of sermons and prayers. State-mandated content for imams includes prayers for President Berdymukhamedov, asking God to punish his enemies.

Fear of Celebrating Ramadan

In 2019, there was no public announcement from the state-controlled Muslim Board marking the start of Ramadan, and citizens reported being afraid to celebrate the holiday due to concerns they would be labeled as extremists. Authorities also detained and questioned individuals about their loyalty to God or the president.

US Policy

Prioritizing Security Concerns

Despite its designation as a Country of Particular Concern under the International Religious Freedom Act since 2014, the US government has prioritized security concerns related to the war in Afghanistan in its policy towards Turkmenistan. The State Department redesignated Turkmenistan as a CPC in December 2019, but used a waiver against any related sanctions “as required in the ‘important national interest of the United States.’”

Criticism from Human Rights Groups

“Turkmenistan’s treatment of conscientious objectors is a violation of human rights and a clear indication of the government’s disregard for religious freedom,” said a representative from Human Rights Watch.

Key Quotes

  • “The election was a sham, and we call on the international community to reject the result.” - Spokesperson, Democratic Party of Turkmenistan
  • “Turkmenistan’s treatment of conscientious objectors is a violation of human rights and a clear indication of the government’s disregard for religious freedom.” - Representative, Human Rights Watch