Financial Crime World

Equatorial Guinea: A Kleptocracy with Widespread Organized Crime


Equatorial Guinea has been described as a kleptocracy, where the corrupt leadership exploits people and natural resources. The country’s government lacks transparency, and corruption is deeply entrenched within the state apparatus.

Criminal Groups

While there are no mafia-like structures in Equatorial Guinea, reports of criminal groups involved in human trafficking have surfaced. However, publicly available data on these groups remains scarce. Additionally, foreign criminal actors operating in the country remain unknown.

Key Issues:

  • Lack of transparency and accountability in government
  • Widespread corruption among state officials
  • Limited information on domestic criminal groups

Leadership and Governance

President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has been in power since 1979, earning a reputation as one of Africa’s most brutal dictators. The government has failed to prosecute or convict any human-trafficking suspects, and corruption is rampant. Common forms of corruption include embezzlement of public funds, fraud, and extortion by corrupt police officers.

Criminal Justice and Security

The judicial system is not independent, with the president serving as the chief magistrate. There are no specialized judicial units to combat organized crime, and law enforcement efforts against human trafficking have been minimal. National security forces have been accused of engaging in torture and other violence with impunity.

Key Issues:

  • Lack of independence in the judicial system
  • Insufficient law enforcement efforts against human trafficking
  • Allegations of torture and violence by national security forces

Economic and Financial Environment

Equatorial Guinea has ratified international legal instruments on organized crime but is not a party to key agreements on corruption and bribery. The implementation and enforcement of anti-money laundering laws are weak, and officials have been investigated by foreign authorities for money laundering and corruption.

Key Issues:

  • Weak implementation and enforcement of anti-money laundering laws
  • Officials investigated for money laundering and corruption

Civil Society and Social Protection

The government’s efforts to protect victims of human trafficking are extremely weak, and there is no witness-protection program. Anti-trafficking legislation imposes obligations on the government to provide services to victims, but they do not do so, instead placing the burden on NGOs. The government has not initiated any awareness campaigns or programs to address forced child labor or prevent trafficking.

Key Issues:

  • Weak efforts to protect victims of human trafficking
  • No witness-protection program
  • Burden placed on NGOs to provide services to victims