Financial Crime World

Belgian Financial Advisors Set to Benefit from Pioneering Compliance Training Initiative

A Groundbreaking University Certificate in Business Ethics and Compliance Management

The Louvain School of Management at the Université catholique de Louvain is launching a revolutionary university certificate in Business Ethics and Compliance Management in Belgium, in collaboration with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and approved by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA). This innovative program aims to equip financial advisors and compliance officers with the necessary tools to navigate complex business dilemmas and establish robust ethics and compliance programs.

Why is Business Ethics and Compliance Important?

  • In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, companies must prioritize business ethics, compliance, and corporate responsibility to remain competitive.
  • This certificate provides professionals and leaders with a comprehensive understanding of the multidisciplinary components of an integrity and compliance strategy, as well as practical tools to implement effective and agile cultures and programs.

The Program

The program features expert insights from UCL professors and senior Ethics and Compliance practitioners from around the world, offering an up-to-date perspective on scientific knowledge in ethics and compliance. Participants will learn how to:

  • Master key success factors for establishing an ethics and compliance program
  • Identify and manage significant integrity and compliance risks
  • Establish control mechanisms
  • Develop monitoring and audit processes
  • Create a learning loop for continuous improvement

Who Can Participate?

The certificate is open to executives from various backgrounds, including:

  • Ethics and compliance professionals
  • Lawyers
  • CFOs
  • Management consultants
  • Risk managers
  • Auditors
  • CEOs
  • Directors
  • Board members
  • Regulators
  • Public officers
  • International directors

Registration and Program Details

With limited seating available, prospective participants are encouraged to register quickly to secure a spot in the highly interactive sessions. The program commences in September 2016, with online registration now open.

For more information or to enroll, please contact:

Nathalie Cogneau