Financial Crime World

Congo’s Fight Against Money Laundering: EU Global Facility Embarks on Scoping Mission

The European Union (EU) Global Facility has dispatched a high-level delegation to Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, for a three-day scoping mission aimed at assessing the country’s progress in combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

Assessing Progress in Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

The EU Global Facility team met with the CENAREF (Centre National d’Appui aux Réformes Economiques et Financières) to discuss the objectives and expectations of the partnership with Congolese authorities. The delegation also assessed the current state of play regarding anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) reforms in the country.

Understanding Needs of Partner Institutions

According to David Hotte, Team Leader of the EU Global Facility, the scoping mission is crucial in understanding the needs of partner institutions, including ministries, the Central Bank, and others. The mission aims to ensure that technical assistance provided by other projects does not duplicate efforts.

Meeting with the EU Delegation

During the day, the EU Global Facility team met with the EU Delegation to the DRC to discuss modalities for upcoming technical assistance. The scoping mission will evaluate the current state of play in the country’s AML/CFT framework and identify potential areas where technical assistance can be delivered by the EU Global Facility.

Action Plan for Future Technical Assistance

The action plan for future technical assistance will focus on key areas, including:

  • Bank Operations
  • Recommendation 8
  • Justice

Expected Outcomes

The scoping mission is expected to yield valuable insights into Congo’s efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, paving the way for a more effective and sustainable approach to tackling these threats.