Financial Crime World

Title: “PNG’s Largest Corruption Scandal: Ex-Solicitor-General Speaks Out After Paul Paraka’s Conviction”

Former Solicitor-General Neville Devete Speaks About the Conviction of Prominent Lawyer Paul Paraka

  • Devete reported Paraka in 2012, leading to a major corruption investigation
  • Uncovered misappropriation of over $70 million in state funds

Relief and Gratitude from Devete after Years of Controversy

  • Expressed relief after the conviction
  • Faced threats and intimidation for speaking out

“When I received the news of the conviction, a significant burden was lifted off my shoulders.” - Neville Devete

Consequences of Speaking Out

  • Forced to leave legal practice and move family to Australia
  • Received intimidating phone calls and visits

Impact of Paraka Scandal (Parakagate)

  • Exposed complex web of illegal payments involving high-profile figures
  • Morally questionable transactions addressed

Political and Social Consequences

  • Threatened prime ministership of Peter O’Neill
  • Divided the police force
  • Sparked protests from students around the world

Ongoing Investigations and Legislation

  • Disbandment of Taskforce Sweep in 2016
  • Contentious legal battle
  • Ongoing investigations into involvement of other law firms and potentially corrupt individuals

Lasting Impact of Taskforce Sweep

  • Improvements in anti-money laundering measures
  • Questionable transactions identified and addressed
  • Legislation passed to address corruption

“We have seen improvements in anti-money laundering measures, and many questionable transactions have been identified and addressed.” - Sam Koim, former Taskforce Sweep chairman