Global Leaders in Forensic and Business Education: IFBI’s Team of Experts
The International Forensics & Business Institute (IFBI) is proud to boast a dynamic team of experts who have earned international recognition for their expertise in forensic accounting, fraud auditing, investigative qualifications, and more.
Meet the Team
At the helm of IFBI is Professor Parmassar, a Certified Forensic Accountant with certifications in:
- Forensic Document Examination
- Psychology
- Business Management
He has also served as a lecturer, developer, and presenter at various state, private, and university bodies, sharing his expertise with students, clients, and participants of IFBI’s programs.
Other notable members of the IFBI team include:
- Sherwin Forte: A seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in public law enforcement and the private sector. He holds qualifications in:
- Forensic Accounting
- Fraud Auditing
- Investigative Techniques
- Denise Douglas: A chartered accountant and auditor with over 20 years of experience in both the private and state sectors.
- Laura Ramnath: An Attorney at Law with three Master’s degrees in:
- Law
- Forensic Accounting
- Business Administration (DBA)
- Pricillia Bickramdass: A Chartered Accountant with over 18 years of experience and qualifications in:
- Forensic Accounting
- Fraud Detection
- Kimberly Parmassar: A Canadian Attorney with a Master’s degree in Forensic Accounting and certifications in:
- Risk Management
- Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
- Raphael Romany: A qualified Attorney at Law with over 25 years of law enforcement experience and international qualifications in:
- Anti-Money Laundering (NAMLC)
- Training from Miami Dade Police and the US Internal Revenue Service
International Accreditations and Affiliations
IFBI is proud to be an accredited:
- EduQual U.K. Centre, recognized by the prestigious SQA-Accreditation, a globally-recognized qualifications regulator in the UK.
- Member of:
- ASTM International
- The International Association of Crime Analysts
- California CPA Education Foundation
- Other international organizations
With its extensive array of international memberships, IFBI’s programs are designed to meet the highest standards of education and practice, providing students with premier global credentials and expertise in forensic accounting, business, law, and more.