Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Measures in France: FATF Report Summary
Key Points Discussed
Risk Assessment
- France has a good understanding of money laundering (ML) risks, which is shared among competent authorities.
- However, there is less development in this area for some DNFBP supervisory authorities.
National Policies
- France pays particular attention to counter-finance terrorism (CFT) issues and has achieved compelling results.
- Law enforcement policies and activities reflect the identified risks adequately, but resource allocation remains necessary for effective ML investigations.
Cooperation and Coordination
- The Central Office for Combating Laundering and Financial Crimes (COLB) ensures effective cooperation and coordination at the national level.
- However, cooperation between authorities responsible for supervising the same DNFBP sector still needs to be further developed.
Financial Intelligence
- France regularly uses financial intelligence to investigate ML cases, associated predicate offenses, and terrorist financing (TF).
- The TRACFIN plays a key role in enriching financial intelligence courtesy of various sources of information.
Investigation and Prosecution
- France is very active in investigating complex and highly complex ML cases, with an average of 1,100 investigations, 1,700 persons prosecuted, and 1,300 convictions for ML per year.
- The sanctions imposed are generally effective, proportionate, and dissuasive.
Areas for Improvement
- Further development of cooperation between authorities responsible for supervising the same DNFBP sector
- Optimization of information exploitation by TRACFIN
- Increase in the dissemination of information
- Allocation of resources dedicated to ML investigations in local and OM investigation services, as well as in judicial investigations
- Lack of specialized investigators