Financial Crime World

Strengthening Governance and Anti-Corruption Efforts in The Gambia

The Gambian government has taken significant steps to regulate public officials’ conduct, improve public procurement practices, and enhance transparency and accountability in public finances. This effort aims to strengthen governance and anti-corruption efforts in the country.

Improving Public Procurement Practices

According to a report by the Assets Recovery and Management Corporation (AMRC), the Government Procurement Service Commission (GPSC), and the Gambia Public Procurement Authority (GPPA), there are several areas that require improvement. These include:

  • Ensuring monitoring of asset declarations
  • Strict enforcement of sanctions for non-compliance
  • Making asset declarations publicly accessible

The report also highlights the need to:

  • Publish contract notices and awards without delay on the GPPA website and in a commercial bulletin
  • Strengthen public finances management by publishing budget execution progress reports, providing a timetable for publication, and ensuring that responsible bodies submit financial statements to the Auditor General and release them publicly

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

The report recommends:

  • Raising awareness about the right to access information
  • Ensuring that requests are replied to promptly
  • Maintaining civil society participation in governance issues
  • Expanding the role of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution in the administration of justice
  • Granting it administrative and financial independence

Private Sector Transparency

The report recommends:

  • Ensuring that the business register is updated annually
  • Disclosing beneficial and financial ownership information publicly online
  • Cooperating between law enforcement agencies and the private sector to promote integrity in the private sector

Implementing International Cooperation

The government has been urged to:

  • Implement FATF Recommendation 25 on Transparency and Beneficial Ownership of Legal Arrangements
  • Take steps to prevent abuse of money laundering or terrorist financing laws and initiate countermeasures independently
  • Conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements to improve international cooperation regarding:
    • Extradition
    • Mutual legal assistance
    • Transfer of sentenced persons
    • Criminal proceedings
    • Law enforcement cooperation
    • Joint investigations
    • Special investigative techniques


These recommendations aim to strengthen governance and anti-corruption efforts in The Gambia, ensuring transparency and accountability in public finances, and promoting integrity in the private sector.