Financial Crime World

Gabon Tackles Organized Crime, Weaknesses Persist


Combating Forest and Wildlife Crimes

Gabon has entered into bilateral agreements with neighboring countries to address forest and wildlife crimes. The country has also signed regional treaties aimed at combating the production, trafficking, sale, and distribution of counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

Challenges in the Criminal Justice System

Despite these efforts, weaknesses persist in the country’s criminal justice system. The judiciary lacks specialized units dedicated to countering organized crime, and corruption within the judicial system is rampant.

  • Judges have been known to take bribes from traffickers to delay or dismiss cases.
  • Limited professional capacity among prosecutors often results in investigations being inadequate, leading to a lack of convictions.

Law Enforcement and Economic Environment

In law enforcement, Gabon lacks specialized units tasked with countering organized crime. Security forces receive training to fight specific activities such as illegal resource exploitation and drug trafficking. However:

  • The country’s porous borders and unguarded beaches make it vulnerable to human trafficking and the smuggling of goods.
  • Corruption among customs officers on both sides of the border with Cameroon is particularly prevalent.

In the economic sphere, Gabon has established mechanisms to combat money laundering, but these have been ineffective in investigating and prosecuting cases. Anti-corruption initiatives are often seen as political tools rather than genuine efforts to address graft.

Business Environment and Human Trafficking

The country’s business environment is hampered by corruption, bureaucracy, and a lack of transparency, making it difficult for local and foreign investors to operate.

  • Gabon has increased efforts to identify and protect victims of human trafficking, but prevention efforts have decreased due to a lack of support for anti-trafficking initiatives.

Role of Civil Society Organizations

Civil society organizations play a crucial role in responding to organized crime in Gabon, providing shelter and support services to victims of human trafficking. However:

  • Media freedom is eroding, with journalists and editors intimidated by law enforcement agencies.

Government Efforts and Challenges Ahead

The government has taken some steps to combat wildlife trafficking and illegal fishing, but more needs to be done to address the country’s deep-seated corruption and organized crime problems.

  • Gabon remains committed to combating organized crime and has established a national commission to coordinate efforts to combat small arms and light weapons trafficking.
  • However, much work remains to be done to strengthen the country’s institutions and ensure effective implementation of laws and policies.