Financial Crime World

Financial Crime Awareness Campaigns Gain Momentum in Guinea-Bissau

Guinea-Bissau, a small West African country with a population of just two million, has long been plagued by financial crime and corruption. Despite its modest size, the country has played a significant role in the transnational cocaine trade, with high-ranking political and military officials allegedly involved.

The Impact of Financial Crime

The illicit markets have had a profound impact on Guinea-Bissau’s economy and society, where a staggering 67 percent of the population lives in poverty. The country’s fragile state has made it vulnerable to exploitation, and corruption has become deeply ingrained in its institutions.

Addressing the Issue through Awareness Campaigns

To address this issue, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) has been working to raise awareness of illicit markets and corruption through its Resilience Fund. The LDC Accelerator program aimed to:

  • Map civil society in Guinea-Bissau
  • Increase awareness of illicit markets and corruption

The initiative was funded by the Norwegian government and supported the GI-TOC’s Observatory of Illicit Economies in Guinea-Bissau, a joint project with the United Nations Development Programme launched in 2020.

Building Resilience among Civil Society

The program sought to build resilience among civil society organizations in Guinea-Bissau, which has been beset by conflict and instability. The country’s fragmented civil society has long lacked awareness of illicit markets and corruption, leaving it vulnerable to exploitation.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect citizens and governments seek to silence critical voices, supporting civil society has become more crucial than ever.

Training and Capacity Building

Through the LDC Accelerator program, local organizations were equipped with the skills and resources necessary to:

  • Monitor and report on financial crime
  • Advocate for greater transparency and accountability in government and business

The initiative also provided training for community leaders and activists, empowering them to promote collective action against corruption.

Raising Public Awareness

As Guinea-Bissau looks to build a more stable future, these financial crime awareness campaigns are crucial in raising public awareness of the issue. By supporting local organizations and amplifying their voices, it is hoped that the country can break free from its cycle of instability and build a brighter future for all its citizens.

By promoting transparency, accountability, and collective action against corruption, Guinea-Bissau can create a more stable and prosperous future for its people.