Financial Crime World

Financial Crimes and Corruption on Saint Helena Under Scrutiny

The Department for International Development (DFID) and the St Helena Government (SHG) have reaffirmed their commitment to preventing financial crimes and corruption on the island. Fraud and corruption pose a significant threat to the effective management of public resources, and both parties are working together to ensure that funds intended for development projects are not lost due to dishonest or unethical conduct.

The Risk of Fraud and Corruption

According to Colin Owen, Financial Secretary of SHG, fraud and corruption pose an ever-present risk globally. However, it is particularly important to manage this risk in Saint Helena given the significant amount of money at stake. He emphasized that all DFID employees, consultants, and contractors have a responsibility to protect funds from fraud and corruption.

The Consequences of Fraud and Corruption

Fraud and corruption can cause significant harm, including:

  • Diverting public resources
  • Breaching public service ethics and values
  • Damaging the UK Government’s reputation for sound financial management
  • Challenging DFID’s fitness for purpose and credibility

Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Fraud and Corruption

The St Helena Government has assured that all reports of potential fraud or corruption will be thoroughly examined and investigated if necessary. Anyone found to have been involved in fraudulent or corrupt activity will face disciplinary or criminal proceedings, while efforts will also be made to recover any lost funds.

Prevention is Key

To prevent financial crimes and corruption, the St Helena Government has urged anyone with suspicions of fraud or corruption to report them immediately. Suspicions can be reported to:

  • The DFID’s Counter Fraud and Whistleblowing Unit (CFWU) via email, telephone, in person, or through the DFID website
  • The Head of Internal Audit on-island via email or telephone

A Collective Effort

Fighting financial crimes and corruption is a collective effort, requiring cooperation from all stakeholders. The public is encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to help prevent financial losses and maintain transparency in governance.

By working together, we can ensure that Saint Helena remains a safe and transparent place to invest and do business.