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Compliance Officer: A Critical Role in Fighting Money Laundering
As part of their training, key staff members should receive a current copy of their company’s instruction manual relating to entry, verification, and records based on the recommendations contained in the Guidelines.
The Importance of the Compliance Officer
In compliance with Section 16(1)(n) of the Act, all regulated entities are required to have an officer appointed as the Compliance Officer. This critical role is responsible for identifying any information or matter giving rise to some knowledge of or suspicion that money laundering is taking place.
The Compliance Officer: A Senior Position
The Compliance Officer should be a senior member of the firm’s organizational structure, with full acquaintance with the provisions of the Act, its amendments and regulations. They must also be aware of the requirements of confidentiality regarding money laundering reports and investigations.
Appointment and Qualifications
Financial institutions are required to appoint a Compliance Officer who is responsible for establishing and implementing policies, programs, procedures, and controls to prevent or detect money laundering. The officer should be separate from day-to-day activities and report directly to the Board of Directors, where possible.
Requirements for Appointment
- The appointed individual must be fit and proper, having not been convicted of an offense involving dishonesty or being an undischarged bankrupt.
- They should also have sufficient knowledge of the organization, its products, services, and systems, as well as access to all relevant information throughout the organization.
Role and Responsibilities
The Compliance Officer is responsible for:
- Establishing and implementing policies, programs, procedures, and controls to prevent or detect money laundering.
- Organizing training sessions for staff.
- Establishing procedures to ensure high standards of integrity among employees.
- Developing a system to evaluate the personal employment and financial history of staff.
- Analyzing transactions.
- Making modifications or adjustments as necessary.
- Arranging for independent audits.
- Preparing reports on unusual transactions.
- Maintaining contact with the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA).
Submission of Details
Financial institutions are required to submit details of their Compliance Officer to the FIA within seven days of appointment, including:
- Name
- Job title
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- Current resume
Any changes in the office of the Compliance Officer should be communicated to the FIA within a month of such change.
Compliance Monitoring
The establishment of compliance procedures and policies creates a reasonable regulatory expectation that these will be followed by the business activity at all times. The Compliance Officer is responsible for:
- Conducting independent audits to ensure that anti-money laundering systems are operating in accordance with the organization’s existing policy manual.
- Submitting monthly reports to senior management, providing information on existing or potential areas of deficiency and corrective actions taken.
By fulfilling these responsibilities, the Compliance Officer plays a critical role in preventing and detecting money laundering activities.