Financial Crime World

Fiji’s Banking Industry Scandal: Taxpayers Foot the Bill for iTaukei Business Loans

Government Announces Tax-Free Incentives and Loan Interest Payments for iTaukei Businesses

In a shocking move, Minister for iTaukei Affairs Ifereimi Vasu has confirmed that the government will provide tax-free incentives to iTaukei business owners and pay interest on loans taken out by these businesses from the Fiji Development Bank or Merchant Finance. This announcement has sent alarm bells ringing in senior business circles, with many questioning the legitimacy of this move.

Critics Slam Decision as Favouring One Ethnic Group

Critics argue that this move is a blatant attempt to favour one ethnic group over others, and will place an intolerable burden on taxpayers as a whole. The proposal has raised concerns about the potential risks involved in lending money to iTaukei business owners. If these businesses fail, the government will be left footing the bill for the interest on these loans.

Raising Questions About Accountability and Free Enterprise

This move undermines the principles of free enterprise, where businesses are expected to succeed or fail based on their own merits. By providing tax-free incentives and paying interest on loans, the government is essentially giving iTaukei business owners a leg up over others in the market.

  • This raises questions about the accountability of government officials and their ability to manage public funds responsibly.
  • It also undermines the concept of fair competition, where businesses are expected to compete based on their own strengths and weaknesses.

Reviving Memories of National Bank Collapse

The announcement has also revived memories of the collapse of the National Bank of Fiji in the mid-1990s, which was largely attributed to reckless lending practices and a lack of accountability. The total losses from this debacle amounted to $220 million, or 8% of Fiji’s GDP.

Urgent Clarification Needed

The government must provide urgent clarification on its intentions regarding these tax-free incentives and loan interest payments. If such a plan is indeed underway, it must be thoroughly reviewed and revised to ensure that it is fair, responsible, and in the best interests of all Fijians, not just one ethnic group.


In conclusion, this proposal has raised serious concerns about the government’s handling of public funds and its commitment to promoting equal opportunities for all businesses. It is imperative that the government takes immediate action to address these concerns and ensure that the nation’s financial resources are managed in a transparent, accountable, and responsible manner.