Financial Crime World

Financial Inclusion and Financial Crime in Cameroon: A Major Concern for Consumers


Cameroon has published its National Inclusive Finance Strategy (SNFI) aimed at increasing access to financial services for all citizens, with a focus on vulnerable populations such as rural communities, women, young people, the elderly, and small and medium-sized businesses. However, despite this ambitious plan, financial consumers in Cameroon continue to face numerous challenges, including poor management of customer accounts, fraud, and embezzlement.

The Role of the Cameroon National Council for Financial Education (CNEF)

The CNEF plays a crucial role in implementing the SNFI and ensuring that financial institutions adhere to consumer protection regulations. The council is at the forefront of promoting financial inclusion and protecting financial consumers in Cameroon.

Challenges Facing Financial Consumers

  • Lack of Financial Education: Many bank customers are not well-informed about the costs of financial products and services, as well as bank conditions and the Minimum Guaranteed Banking Service (SBMG).
  • Lack of Transparency Tools: The CNEF’s IT platform, which brings together several databases, is not sufficiently known and used by financial institutions and the general public.
  • Adapting to Digital Financial Services: The increasing use of electronic money and mobile payment systems has created new risks for consumers, and the CNEF must adapt its tools and services to address these emerging challenges.

Initiatives to Address Challenges

  • Financial Education Projects: The CNEF has launched several projects aimed at educating consumers on financial matters.
  • Inclusive Communication Strategy: The CNEF plans to popularize its IT platform through an inclusive communication strategy.
  • Capacity-Building and Technical Support: UNCDF’s “PRIME” approach aims to improve financial consumer protection by providing capacity-building and technical support to regulators, policymakers, and financial sector professionals.


Financial inclusion and consumer protection are major concerns in Cameroon. The CNEF plays a crucial role in promoting financial inclusion and protecting consumers, but it faces several challenges. UNCDF is supporting the CNEF in addressing these challenges to ensure that financial consumers in Cameroon have access to safe and affordable financial services.