Financial Crime World

Enhancing Financial Reporting in Mauritius: A New Era of Transparency and Governance


Mauritius, a country known for its robust financial sector, has taken another step towards promoting confidence in corporate reporting and ensuring good governance. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has been established as a regulator and facilitator for financial and non-financial information by public interest entities.

Promoting Confidence and Good Governance

The FRC’s primary objective is to enhance the credibility of financial reporting by improving the quality of accountancy and audit services. By promoting a healthy corporate society that serves various stakeholders, including the business community, investors, employees, and other interested parties, the FRC aims to ensure consistency and transparency in corporate reporting and governance.

The FRC’s Approach

To achieve its goal, the FRC will adopt a consultative approach with all relevant parties, including:

  • Public interest entities such as state-owned enterprises, preparers of accounts, and licensed auditors
  • Regulatory bodies such as:
    • Bank of Mauritius
    • Financial Services Commission
    • Stock Exchange of Mauritius
    • Registrar of Companies

Challenges Ahead

Despite the establishment of the FRC, there are challenges to be addressed. Some of these challenges include:

  • Not all companies successfully manage the interface between general-purpose reporting and regulatory reporting, resulting in incremental costs and inconsistencies.
  • Existing regulatory institutions lack the mandate, resources, and methodologies required to monitor and enforce accounting and auditing requirements.

The Role of Professional Accountants, Auditors, and Consultants

In cases where public interest entities do not operate in regulated activities, professional accountants, auditors, and consultants will play a crucial role in supporting these entities and the business community in achieving quality in corporate reporting and governance.

A Zero-Failure System: A Commitment to Excellence

While a zero-failure system may seem impractical, the FRC is committed to using all its powers and influence to achieve this goal. The council’s efforts are expected to have far-reaching benefits for Mauritius’ economy and reputation as a reputable financial hub.

By enhancing financial reporting and promoting good governance, Mauritius is poised to take its place among the top-tier financial centers in the world.