Financial Crime World

Finland Cracks Down on Financial Crime

Financial crimes have been on the rise in Finland, with perpetrators exploiting business activities for personal gain. These crimes involve neglecting statutory responsibilities or using business activities for illicit purposes, depriving society of its shared wealth.

Common Forms of Financial Crime in Finland

  • Tax Fraud: Failure to report income or claim false deductions
  • Accounting Offenses: Misrepresentation or concealment of financial information
  • Dishonesty by Debtors: Failing to pay debts or making false claims
  • Fraud Offenses: Obtaining goods or services through deception

Law Enforcement Efforts to Combat Financial Crime

To combat financial crimes, Finnish authorities are working together on both national and international levels. This collaboration includes:

  • Sharing intelligence and coordinating investigations
  • Confiscating assets gained through illicit activities
  • Partnering with entities such as the Tax Administration, enforcement bodies, and insurance companies to track down perpetrators and recover ill-gotten gains.

How You Can Help

To build a safer and more secure economic environment for all, residents are being encouraged to report any suspicious activity to the authorities. You can also:

  • Use online resources like the “Grey economy & economic crime” website to stay informed about financial crimes
  • Protect yourself from their negative effects by being aware of potential scams and schemes

Together, we can help combat financial crimes in Finland and create a more secure future for everyone.