Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Report: Evaluating Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) Measures in Finland
International Cooperation
Finland’s authorities have demonstrated a strong commitment to international cooperation, particularly with neighboring countries like Nordic nations and Estonia.
- Foreign Partnerships: Finnish law enforcement agencies (LEAs) seek international cooperation to build cases and share timely and accurate information.
- Regional Collaboration: Neighboring countries provide an important platform for Finland to collaborate on AML/CTF efforts.
Priority Actions
The FATF report has identified six priority actions for Finland to improve its AML/CTF measures:
1. Accelerate Development of Risk-Based Approach
- Finalize Methodology: FIN-FSA should complete the methodology for AML/CFT supervision on a risk-sensitive basis.
- Enhance Supervision: Provide sufficient resources to ensure effective and efficient supervision.
2. Allocate Adequate Resources
- Human Resources: Ensure that AML/CTF supervisors have sufficient personnel to carry out their duties effectively.
- Financial Resources: Provide necessary funding for AML/CTF efforts, including FIN-FSA and RSAA.
3. Implement Beneficial Ownership Registry
- Verification Framework: Establish a framework that requires relevant verification of beneficial ownership.
- Urgent Implementation: Ensure the registry is implemented as soon as possible.
4. Fill Gaps in Understanding ML/TF Risks
- Risk Assessment: Improve mechanisms for authorities and obliged entities to have an updated view of ML/TF risks affecting Finland.
- Risk Management: Implement effective risk management strategies to mitigate identified risks.
5. Establish Operational Cooperation Platforms
- FIU-LEA Collaboration: Support operational cooperation between the FIU, LEAs, and other relevant authorities.
- Information Sharing: Facilitate the sharing of timely and accurate information between cooperating agencies.
6. Encourage Proportionate Sentencing
- Aggravated ML Cases: Encourage courts to use a wider range of sentences for aggravated money laundering cases.
Effectiveness & Technical Compliance Ratings
The report provides ratings for effectiveness (IO) and technical compliance (R):
- Effectiveness: Finland has substantial or high ratings in several areas, including risk assessment, international cooperation, supervision, and financial intelligence.
- Technical Compliance: Finland has largely compliant (LC), partially compliant (PC), or non-compliant (NC) ratings in various areas, including money laundering offence, confiscation, terrorist financing offence, and customer due diligence.
Overall, the report identifies areas where Finland needs to improve its AML/CTF measures to meet international standards. By addressing these priority actions, Finland can strengthen its AML/CTF regime and enhance its reputation as a secure and trustworthy financial hub.