Financial Crime World

Finland’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Measures

International Cooperation

Finland has demonstrated a strong commitment to international cooperation in the fight against money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF). Key highlights include:

  • Close collaboration with neighboring countries
  • Active engagement by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in supervising EU and Nordic financial institutions

Priority Actions for Finland

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has identified key areas where Finland needs to improve its AML/CFT measures. These priority actions are:

1. Accelerate AML/CFT Supervision

Develop a risk-sensitive methodology for supervised entities and implement it as a priority.

  • Provide adequate resources to ensure effective supervision

2. Allocate Adequate Resources

Provide sufficient human, financial, and other resources to enable the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) and the Police’s Economic Crime Unit (RSAA) to conduct their responsibilities effectively.

3. Implement Beneficial Ownership Registry

Ensure that the framework for the registry requires relevant verification of information collected and stored, and implement it as a matter of urgency.

4. Enhance Understanding of ML/TF Risks

Fill existing gaps in understanding ML/TF risks and establish mechanisms to enable all relevant authorities to have an updated view of these risks.

5. Establish Platforms for Cooperation

Set up platforms or channels to support operational cooperation between relevant authorities, including the FIU and law enforcement agencies (LEAs).

6. Encourage Proportionate Sentencing

Encourage courts to use a wider range of sentences for aggravated ML cases.

Effectiveness and Technical Compliance Ratings

The FATF has assessed Finland’s effectiveness in AML/CFT measures as follows:

  • Effectiveness
    • IO.1: Substantial
    • IO.2: High
    • IO.3-11: Moderate
  • Technical Compliance
    • R.1-R.6, R.8, R.10, R.12, R.15: Low Compliance (LC)
    • R.7, R.9, R.13, R.14, R.16-18: Partially Compliant (PC)