Financial Crime World

Fintech Frenzy: Regulatory Sandboxes in Indonesia Pose Risks Amid Growth

Indonesia’s rapidly expanding fintech industry has led regulators to adopt a regulatory sandbox mechanism, allowing companies to test innovative products and services with minimal regulatory hurdles. However, this approach carries significant risks, experts warn.

Regulatory Sandboxes in Indonesia: A Double-Edged Sword

Benefits of Regulatory Sandboxes

  • Allow fintech companies to innovate and experiment with new products and services
  • Encourage entrepreneurship and job creation
  • Foster a competitive environment that drives innovation and growth

Risks and Challenges Associated with Regulatory Sandboxes

  • Create uneven playing fields for fintech operators
  • Lack clarity around desired outcomes
  • Struggle with limited resources
  • Increase the likelihood of legal uncertainty, excessive costs, and harm to consumers

Study Reveals Key Areas of Concern

A new study assesses the effectiveness of the digital financial innovation (DFI) sector’s regulatory sandbox in Indonesia, operated by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK). The research focuses on three key areas:

Sandbox Governance

  • Regulatory bodies must work together to ensure effective governance
  • Clear guidelines and regulations are needed to prevent confusion and misinterpretation

Risk Management Mechanisms

  • Regulators must establish robust risk management systems to mitigate potential risks
  • Fintech companies must demonstrate a clear understanding of their risk profile


  • Regulators should strengthen their relationships with fintech companies
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for effective co-regulation

Recommendations for Policy Improvement

To address the concerns raised by regulatory sandboxes in Indonesia, experts recommend four key policy improvements:

  1. Strengthening Inter-Agency Coordination: Regulatory bodies, relevant ministries, and AFTECH must work together to improve collaboration on data protection, risk assessments, sandbox exit mechanisms, and goal-setting.
  2. Enhancing Co-Regulatory Approaches: Regulators should strengthen their relationships with fintech companies, sharing expertise and best practices to ensure compliance and minimize risks.
  3. Allocating Sufficient Resources: OJK must provide adequate funding for the sandbox process, including committees and representatives of operators applying to the sandbox, to ensure effective supervision in the fintech space.
  4. Clarifying Regulatory Frameworks: The newly passed Law on Finance should be used to support the OJK sandbox framework, providing clear parameters for issuing licenses, defining license goals, and improving the regulatory environment through input from the sandbox.


By addressing these challenges, Indonesia’s regulators can create a more effective and sustainable fintech ecosystem that balances innovation with risk management. The implementation of these policy improvements will ensure a safer, more secure, and more prosperous financial future for all stakeholders involved in the Indonesian fintech industry.