Financial Crime World

Fintech Compliance Challenges in Guatemala Pose Regulatory Headaches for Industry Players

The rapid growth of the fintech ecosystem in Guatemala has caught the attention of regulators, with the Guatemalan Superintendency of Banks allocating more resources to study and analyze these companies. As the number of fintech startups and operational companies providing alternative financial services increases, so do the challenges in ensuring compliance with existing regulations.

Rapid Growth of Fintech Industry in Guatemala

According to a recent report by the Inter-American Development Bank, the number of fintech companies in Guatemala has risen from four in 2017 to 16 in the second quarter of 2019. This rapid growth has led to concerns about the impact on the traditional financial system and the need for a regulatory framework to govern the industry.

Challenges in Ensuring Compliance

The Superintendent of Banks emphasized during a recent lecture that supervision of fintechs must be based on a regulatory framework consistent with technological development, managing risks and promoting financial inclusion. However, as of this writing, regulations in Guatemala regarding fintechs have yet to be approved, leaving companies navigating complex and burdensome financial regulations to operate without infringing on them.

Options for Regulatory Framework

The Superintendency of Banks is currently evaluating two options to address the regulation of the fintech ecosystem and the entities involved at a national level:

  • Implementing a specific law and corresponding support regulation
  • Creating a regulatory sandbox to understand how entities would operate in the existing framework before deciding whether new regulations are necessary

Impact on Fintech Industry

The outcome is expected to have a significant impact on both local and foreign fintechs operating in Guatemala. As the Superintendency of Banks takes a determined stance, it will influence the development and growth of the fintech ecosystem in the country. Fintech companies must therefore be prepared for increased regulatory scrutiny and compliance challenges as the industry continues to evolve.


In conclusion, the rapid growth of the fintech industry in Guatemala poses significant regulatory challenges for fintech companies operating in the country. As the Superintendency of Banks evaluates options for a regulatory framework, fintech companies must be prepared for increased regulatory scrutiny and compliance challenges. By understanding the regulatory landscape, fintech companies can better navigate the complex financial regulations and ensure continued growth and development of the industry.