Asset Forfeiture Program: A Key Tool in Fighting Crime and Compensating Victims
The US Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture Fund (AFF) is a crucial component in combating crime and protecting the nation’s financial interests. Established by the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, the AFF receives and manages assets seized or forfeited as a result of criminal investigations and prosecutions.
Overseeing the Program
The Asset Forfeiture Management System (AFMS) plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity and transparency of the program. AFMS provides oversight and management controls to ensure that asset allocations and expenditures are consistent, transparent, and compliant with federal law.
Managing Seized and Forfeited Assets
The Attorney General has broad authority to dispose of seized and forfeited assets, including:
- Granting petitions for remission or mitigation
- Restoring property to owners and lienholders
- Transferring assets to federal financial institution regulatory agencies
- Prioritizing recovering assets to compensate victims of crime
Sharing Forfeited Assets
The Attorney General may transfer forfeited assets to:
- Foreign countries that participated in the seizure or forfeiture process
- Tribal, state, and local law enforcement agencies that directly participate in the law enforcement effort leading to the seizure
- Equitably sharing net proceeds with these agencies
Removing Agencies from the Program
To maintain program integrity, participating federal agencies must meet minimum standards, including:
- Having law enforcement authority
- Committing to sound financial and property management practices
Non-compliance may result in increased monitoring, suspension, or termination from participation.
The Guidelines governing the Asset Forfeiture Program are not intended to create or confer any rights or privileges that may be enforced in any way by any party. The program’s primary goal is to support the Department of Justice’s efforts to combat crime and protect the nation’s financial interests, while ensuring transparency and accountability.
By providing a comprehensive framework for managing seized and forfeited assets, the Asset Forfeiture Program plays a critical role in promoting public safety and protecting the integrity of our financial systems.