Financial Crime World

EU Public Prosecutor’s Office in Croatia: Four Suspects Arrested in Subsidy Fraud and Money Laundering Case

(Luxembourg, 4 October 2023)** – The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Zagreb, Croatia, has launched Urgent Evidence-Gathering Activities

Suspects arrested in subsidy fraud and money laundering case

  • The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Zagreb, Croatia, has launched urgent evidence-gathering activities against four individuals.
  • Three of these suspects have been taken into custody.
  • The suspects are allegedly involved in subsidy fraud and money laundering activities, which are related to a ‘Support for Investments in Agricultural Holdings’ call.
  • This project, which received co-financing from the EU’s European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) to the tune of 85%, is administered by the Croatian Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development.

Next steps in the investigation

  • Following the questioning of the suspects, the EPPO will decide on the next steps in the investigation.
  • No additional information will be disclosed prior to this announcement.

Role of the EPPO

  • The EPPO serves as the independent public prosecution office of the European Union.
  • Its responsibilities include investigating, prosecuting, and bringing to judgment crimes that threaten the financial interests of the EU.


Četiri osobe pod sumnjom u hrvatskoj: Subvencijska prijevara i pranje novca u suradnji s Europskim javnim tužiteljem

(Luksemburg, 4. listopada 2023.**) – Ured Europskog javnog tužitelja (EPPO) u Zagrebu danas provodi hitne dokazne radnje u suradnji s Policijskom upravom dubrovačko-neretvanskom protiv četiri osobe. Treća od njih je uhićena.

Suspects and alleged crimes

  • Osumnjičene osobe se optužuju za subvencijsku prijevaru i pranje novca, koja su povezana s natječajem “Potpora za ulaganja u poljoprivredna gospodarstva”.
  • Projekt pod nazivom “Potpora za ulaganja u poljoprivredna gospodarstva”, koji je dobio financijsku podršku Europskim poljoprivrednim fondom za ruralni razvoj (EAFRD) na iznos od 85%, administrira Hrvatski agencijni za plaćanje u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju.

Further investigation

  • Nakon ispitivanja osumnjičenika, EPPO donosi odluku o daljnjem postupanju u predmetnom slučaju i objavljuje javnosti.
  • Pre nego što se to dogodi, neće biti objavljene nikakve dodatne pojedinosti.

Role of the EPPO

  • Ured Europskog javnog tužitelja (EPPO) služi kao neovisan javni tužitelj Europske unije.
  • Zadužen je za istraživanje, kazneni goan i podizanje optužnica za kaznena djela koja ugrožavaju financijske interese EU-a.