France’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Compliance: Key Findings
Customer Due Diligence Measures
French authorities have taken steps to ensure compliance with Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations. The following are key findings related to customer due diligence:
1. Customer Identification
- French authorities have provisions in place to identify customers, which comply with FATF recommendations and appear detailed enough.
2. Identification of Beneficial Owners
- The concept of beneficial owners is clearly defined, including the requirement to identify them before entering into a business relationship or occasional transaction.
3. Ongoing Due Diligence
- There are legal and regulatory provisions requiring ongoing due diligence throughout the duration of a business relationship, which seems to meet FATF requirements.
4. Risk-Based Approach
- France has implemented a risk-based approach that includes prioritizing updates on files for customers presenting higher risks.
- However, there’s room for improvement in systematically increasing monitoring of transactions considered high-risk.
5. Anonymous Bonds
- The report notes a concern regarding anonymous bonds, which pose a high risk of money laundering and terrorist financing due to the ability to circulate without revealing the identity of holders.
- There is a trend towards reducing these bonds’ supply, subscription, and outstanding value, but authorities are advised to consider repealing provisions for their issuance.
6. Customer Due Diligence Regime
- The regime in place for low-risk situations does not seem as detailed or comprehensive as it should be according to FATF recommendations.
Overall, the report suggests that while France has made progress in implementing AML/CFT measures, there are areas where improvement is necessary to fully comply with international standards.