Financial Crime World

Croatia’s Businesses Turn to Forensic Accounting Services in Crackdown on Economic Fraud


Forensic accounting services are increasingly becoming an essential tool for businesses in Croatia to combat economic fraud and other illegal activities. This specialized advisory activity involves investigation, proof, and prevention of financial irregularities, with its roots dating back centuries.

Detecting Fraud

Forensic accountants in Croatia focus on detecting three main areas of fraud:

  • Corruption: illegal acts that compromise the integrity of a business or individual.
  • Alienation of property: illegal transfer of ownership or control of assets.
  • Forgery of financial statements: intentional alteration or fabrication of financial documents.

Their expertise is crucial in uncovering these types of illegal activities, which can have devastating consequences for businesses and individuals alike.

Services Offered

Forensic accounting firms in Croatia offer a range of services, including:

  • Detection of financial statement forgery
  • Investigation of potential or actual fraud
  • Tax evasion detection
  • Fraudulent bankruptcy identification
  • Business transaction appraisals
  • Asset division among co-owners
  • Error and negligence assessment
  • Documentation forgery detection
  • Employee theft detection
  • Financial position appraisal for both current and prospective business partners

Forensic accounting also plays a critical role in ensuring legal compliance, helping businesses to operate within the bounds of legislation. Furthermore, forensic accountants are often involved in investigations following regular or extraordinary audits that identify potential fraud in business transactions.

Investigation Reports

Upon completing an investigation, forensic accounting firms compile and present reports to clients detailing their findings. These reports can be used for internal purposes as well as serve as a basis for further legal action.


As the demand for forensic accounting services continues to grow in Croatia, businesses are recognizing the importance of seeking professional expertise in preventing and detecting economic fraud. By partnering with experienced forensic accountants, companies can safeguard their financial interests and maintain a reputation for integrity and transparency.