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Financial Fraud Plagues Occupied Palestinian Territory

New figures reveal alarming rates of financial fraud in the occupied Palestinian territory, with a staggering $439.4 million in reported funding last year.

Funding Patterns

According to data released by the Financial Tracking Service (FTS), 70.6% of all funding was channeled through coordinated plans, while 29.4% came from other sources. The FTS reports that the total amount of funding has increased significantly since 2008, with a notable spike in recent years.


The data also reveals that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East received the largest share of funding, accounting for 35.4% of all reported humanitarian aid. The World Food Programme, United Nations Children’s Fund, and World Health Organization also received significant allocations.

Additionally, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as:

  • Norwegian Refugee Council
  • International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Save the Children

also received substantial funding, with Save the Children receiving 10.3% of all reported aid.

Concerns Over Pooled Funding Mechanisms

The FTS data highlights concerns over the use of pooled funding mechanisms, which account for a significant portion of total funding. The COVID-19 Humanitarian Thematic Fund, Central Emergency Response Fund, and Education Cannot Wait Fund received notable allocations from donors.

Experts warn that the increasing reliance on pooled funds may exacerbate financial fraud in the occupied Palestinian territory. “The lack of transparency and accountability in these mechanisms creates an environment ripe for abuse,” said a leading expert on humanitarian aid.


The findings come as tensions between Israel and Palestine continue to escalate, with reports of widespread poverty, unemployment, and human rights abuses in the occupied territories. The international community has called for increased efforts to address the humanitarian crisis, but critics argue that more must be done to prevent financial fraud and ensure effective use of aid.

Key Statistics

  • Total funding reported to FTS: $439.4 million
  • Funding through coordinated plans: 70.6%
  • Funding from other sources: 29.4%
  • Largest recipient organization: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (35.4%)
  • Second-largest recipient organization: World Food Programme (8.2%)


The article is based on data released by the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) as of June 26, 2024.