Financial Crime World

Title: “Global Fund Investigates Alleged Fraud in Guinea’s Malaria Net Distribution Campaign”

Date: Feb 22, 2023

The Global Fund, a significant international organization financing the battle against malaria, has initiated an investigation into alleged fraudulent activities surrounding the distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Guinea between 2018 and 2020.


  • US$1.2 billion was invested globally in LLIN mass campaigns during this period.
  • Over 516 million nets were distributed worldwide.
  • Guinea received over US$81 million for LLIN campaigns.

Findings of the Investigation

The Global Fund Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report revealed the following critical findings related to the Guinea LLIN mass distribution campaign:

  1. Manipulated data sets: Two essential databases were found to have been manipulated fraudulently:

    • Household counting database: Determines the total beneficiaries and the required LLIN quantity.
    • Distribution data: Tracks beneficiary receipt of LLINs.
  2. Lack of controls and accountability: Inadequate controls and unclear accountability for data accuracy contributed to the manipulation.

  3. Commodity diversion: This fraudulent data manipulation can lead to unchecked commodity diversion, potentially causing distorted population counts and disproportionate LLIN allocation.

Instances of Commodity Diversion

One significant example of commodity diversion occurred during the 2019 Guinea LLIN mass campaign, resulting in approximately 117,500 LLINs being allegedly diverted to neighboring Mali. Over 10,000 of these nets were financed by the Global Fund.

Investigation and Next Steps

The investigation began after reports of irregularities during the 2019 campaign, ultimately confirming significant LLIN diversion to Mali. The probe is ongoing, with findings to be shared transparently with stakeholders.

[English Report](GF-OIG-23-002 - 22 February 2023) [| Français Report](GF-OIG-23-002 - 22 February 2023)