Greenlandic Bank’s Off-Balance Sheet Exposures Reach TDKK 117 Million
Nuuk, Greenland - December 31, 2022
The BANK of Greenland has released its latest risk report, revealing that its off-balance sheet exposures have reached a total value of TDKK 117 million.
Off-Balance Sheet Exposures
- The bank’s exposure to sector companies, acquired in cooperation with other credit institutions, amounts to TDKK 117,783.
- These shares are held outside the bank’s trading portfolio and are adjusted quarterly, semi-annually or annually based on new information from individual sector companies.
Unlisted Shares
- The bank also owns unlisted shares in an enterprise in Greenland with which it has entered into collaboration. The value of these shares amounts to TDKK 1,470.
- These shares are measured at net book value less any impairment losses.
Interest Rate Risk Exposure
- The bank’s interest rate risk exposure outside its trading portfolio stands at TDKK 1,842 as of December 31, 2022.
- This exposure includes:
- Fixed-rate assets such as loans, advances, and accounts receivable from credit institutions
- Deposits and debt to credit institutions
- This exposure includes:
Gearing Risk
- The bank’s leverage ratio is calculated daily and stands at a level that meets its capital target of 10%.
- The bank has set a policy for excessive gearing, which it assesses occurs when the leverage ratio falls below 10%.
Financial Highlights
- Total assets as per published financial statement: TDKK 7,949,566
- Total leverage ratio exposure: TDKK 9,883,691
These figures are included in the bank’s latest risk report, which provides a comprehensive overview of its risk profile and management practices. The report is available on the bank’s website for public review.