Financial Crime World

Grenada Customs Authority Embarks on Know-Your-Customer Policy

The Grenada Customs Authority has launched a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policy aimed at delivering world-class customs clearing services to its clients. This initiative seeks to promote compliance with Customs Laws & Regulations and trade policies, both nationally and internationally.

Key Objectives of the KYC Policy

  • Provide excellent customer care
  • Ensure customers have easy access to contacts who can address their queries and feedback
  • Promote compliance with Customs Laws & Regulations and trade policies

Services Provided by the Grenada Customs Authority

The authority has identified key services that cater to various groups, including:

  • Public: Access to eCustoms Services, electronic processing of Customs Declarations, and assessment and collection of Customs Duty from Travelers
  • Businesses: Compliance with customs and trade regulations and legislation, provision of complete and accurate information, and cooperation with staff
  • Traders: Provision of up-to-date contact information for records, facilitation of the speed at which transactions are completed, and feedback on service improvements
  • Industry: Protection from goods and materials detrimental to its well-being, promotion of the growth of Grenada as a global centre of economic activity, and cooperation with international Customs and Trade organizations

Roles of the Grenada Customs Authority

The authority plays several key roles in:

  • Protecting society from goods and materials detrimental to its well-being
  • Promoting the growth of Grenada as a global centre of economic activity
  • Cooperating with international Customs and Trade organizations

Tips for Customers

To facilitate smooth and trouble-free customs clearing experiences, customers are urged to:

  • Comply with all customs and trade regulations and legislation
  • Provide complete and accurate information
  • Be courteous and honest with staff
  • Provide up-to-date contact information for records

By following these tips, customers can help the authority deliver quality services and improve their overall experience.


The Grenada Customs Authority is committed to continually improving its services and fostering a positive relationship with its customers through this new KYC policy. By working together, we can ensure that customs clearing experiences are smooth, trouble-free, and satisfactory for all parties involved.