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IMF Report Reveals Growing Vulnerabilities in Guinea’s Banking Sector
February 12, 2020
Financial Stability Review Highlights Risks in Guinea’s Banking Sector
A recent Financial Sector Stability Review conducted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has highlighted increasing vulnerabilities in Guinea’s banking sector. The review, which was completed in June 2019, shows that while the country’s current economic situation appears benign, financial soundness indicators (FSIs) point to growing risks.
Positive Economic Outlook Masks Growing Risks
According to the report, the economic outlook for Guinea is currently positive, with financial inclusion growing rapidly as mobile money services become increasingly popular. However, the FSIs suggest that the banking sector may be facing some idiosyncratic stress, which could potentially lead to financial stability vulnerabilities.
Data Quality Issues Complicate Assessment of Financial Stability
The IMF review notes that the data quality and availability issues in the country make it difficult to assess financial stability and potential vulnerabilities in depth. Nevertheless, the report suggests that the structure of Guinea’s financial sector is a mitigant to potential risks, as all banks are part of foreign financial groups that they can rely on during periods of stress.
Recommendations for Improving Financial Stability
In light of these findings, the IMF recommends that the Guinean authorities prioritize improving:
- On-site and off-site supervision
- The availability and quality of data on the banking sector
- The regulatory framework for banks to better address potential financial stability vulnerabilities
Full Report Available for Download
The full report is available for free download from the IMF website. To view the PDF file, use the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Report Details
- Title: “Country Report No. 2020/042”
- Focus areas:
- Bank legislation
- Banking
- Commercial banks
- Crisis management
- Deposit insurance
- Financial crises
- Financial institutions
- Financial regulation and supervision
- Financial sector policy and analysis
- Financial sector stability
- Page count: 50 pages
- ISBN/ISSN number: 9781513529844/1934-7685
- Stock number: 1GINEA2020001