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Haiti Approves National Risk and Disaster Management Plan

Enhancing Resilience and Preparedness in a Multi-Risk Environment

Haiti has taken a significant step towards creating a more resilient region with the approval of its National Risk and Disaster Management Plan 2019-2030. This plan is the result of an inclusive and participatory process involving multiple sectors, promoting sustainable and inclusive development while adopting a resilient perspective in Haiti.

Key Objectives

  • To contribute to achieving the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030’s target E
  • To increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020
  • To reinforce the importance of building resilient economies and increasing vision-based development in the region

Implementation and Partnerships

The plan will be implemented through a comprehensive program with strategies for both private and public sectors, with well-identified responsibilities and institutional mechanisms. The United Nations, particularly UNDP, UN-Women, and UNDRR as the custodian agency to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, have provided support for this achievement.

Financial Support

Financial support has been provided by USAID/OFDA and the World Bank, enabling Haiti to strengthen its resilience collectively and inclusively, considering principles of gender equity and accountability.

Quotes from Key Stakeholders

  • “This adoption represents a unique opportunity for all partners to advance a preventive program in a coordinated manner,” said Bruno Lemarquis, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator and Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti.
  • “Haiti joins a set of countries in the Americas and the Caribbean that have developed and approved national disaster risk reduction strategies and plans.”