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Employers in Haiti’s Garment Sector Embrace Responsibility to Collect Social Insurance Contributions

Despite the challenging environment faced by the garment sector in Haiti, a significant number of employers have continued to collect social insurance contributions from their workers and forward them to the relevant authorities.

Compliance Rates in Haiti’s Garment Industry

According to a recent survey conducted by Better Work Haiti, a program that promotes decent work standards in the country’s garment industry, many factories have been complying with the law by collecting the required contributions to ONA (National Social Insurance Office) and OFATMA (Fondation pour l’Assurance Maladie du Travail et des Accidents du Travau).

  • While some employers may be struggling to cope with the country’s ongoing security challenges, many are still fulfilling their obligations under Haiti’s labor law.
  • The survey revealed that factories are paying the required employer contribution to ONA and sending workers’ pay slips to OFATMA for maternity and health insurance.

Areas of Improvement

However, Better Work staff noted that non-compliance rates in certain areas of social security regulation have been increasing. The program has highlighted these areas where the industry is failing to conform to legal regulations, with a view to assisting factories in improving their compliance.

A analysis of long-term trends among participating factories that have consistently engaged with Better Work Haiti for at least nine annual service cycles between 2009 and 2022 revealed some positive developments. For instance:

  • There has been an improvement in limiting excessive working time, increasing training, and enhancing access to health and first aid.
  • However, employers’ offer of leave entitlements, social security benefits, and occupational health and safety features continue to be challenging to remediate and sustain in compliance.

The results of this analysis suggest that continued engagement with Better Work Haiti helps to ensure progress toward upholding national law and international standards at the level of the workplace. The program’s partners see the lessons from this reflection of compliance trends as a moment to redouble efforts to improve working conditions and achieve a sustainable, thriving garment sector in Haiti.

Support for Better Work Haiti

Better Work Haiti is supported by several core development partners, including:

  • United States Department of Labor
  • Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Denmark’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • European Commission
  • Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
  • United States Department of Labor