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HESLB Approves Whistleblowing Policy


The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) has approved a new whistleblowing policy aimed at encouraging employees and stakeholders to report any wrongdoing or suspected wrongdoing in the institution.


According to the policy, HESLB is prone to fraud and malpractices, which requires joint efforts from key stakeholders. The policy is designed to support HESLB’s core values by ensuring that employees can raise concerns without fear of suffering retribution.

Policy Coverage

The policy covers various areas, including:

  • Fraud
  • Corruption
  • Bribery
  • Criminal offenses
  • Failure to comply with legal or regulatory obligations
  • Miscarriage of justice
  • Endangering health and safety
  • Environmental harm

It also provides a transparent and confidential process for dealing with concerns.

Reporting Concerns

Under the policy, whistle-blowers can report their concerns through:

  • Email:
  • Letter
  • Phone
  • In person to:
    • Audit Committee
    • Director of Internal Audit and Investigation
    • Executive Director

Procedures for Making Complaints

The policy also provides procedures for making complaints and ensuring that whistle-blowers are protected from retaliation.


“We take all wrongdoing very seriously, whether it is committed by employees, suppliers, loan beneficiaries, or other key stakeholders,” said Frank N. Mugeta, Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Approval and Signatures

The policy has been approved by the Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors and signed on behalf of the committee by:

  • Frank N. Mugeta, Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Abdallah M. Mtibora, Secretary of the Audit and Risk Management Committee

Contacts for Reporting

For reporting concerns, please contact:

Protection for Whistle-blowers

HESLB has committed to protecting the identity of whistle-blowers and ensuring that they are not retaliated against. The institution will make good faith efforts to protect the confidentiality of whistle-blowers making reports, except where necessary to permit a thorough investigation or required by law or court proceedings.

Feedback and Appreciation

Where feasible, HESLB management may provide recognition and/or a reward to whistle-blowers who report information that leads to prevention of loss or recovery of assets or funds.