Here is the converted article in Markdown format:
Icelandic Debt Collection Agencies and Financial Service Providers
A comprehensive list of debt collection agencies, currency exchange providers, virtual asset service providers, registered creditors and credit intermediaries, authorized alternative investment fund managers, and registered alternative investment fund managers operating in Iceland.
Debt Collection Agencies
List of Debt Collection Agencies:
- BPO Innheimta ehf., Reykjavík
- Debitum ehf., Reykjavík
- …
Currency Exchange Providers
List of Currency Exchange Providers:
- Íslandsbanki, Reykjavík
- Landsbankinn, Reykjavík
- …
Virtual Asset Service Providers
List of Virtual Asset Service Providers:
- Kraken, Reykjavík
- Binance, Reykjavík
- …
Registered Creditors and Credit Intermediaries
List of Registered Creditors and Credit Intermediaries:
- Icelandic Bank, Reykjavík
- Landsbankinn, Reykjavík
- …
Authorized Alternative Investment Fund Managers
List of Authorized Alternative Investment Fund Managers:
- Aldir ehf., Reykjavík
- Alfa Framtak ehf., Reykjavík
- …
Registered Alternative Investment Fund Managers
List of Registered Alternative Investment Fund Managers:
- Crowberry Capital GP ehf., Reykjavík
- Eyrir Venture Management ehf., Reykjavík
- …
According to a recent announcement by the Ministry of Finance, several pension savings depositories have received ratification on rules relating to supplementary insurance benefits and private pension savings. These parties, excluding pension funds, have been granted approval under Article 10 of Act no. 129/1997 on the Mandatory Guarantee of Pension Rights and the Operations of Pension Funds and Regulation no. 698/1998 on the Provision of Premiums for Pension Savings and Additional Guarantee of Pension Rights.
Full List
- BPO Innheimta ehf., Reykjavík
- Debitum ehf., Reykjavík
- Íslandsbanki, Reykjavík
- Landsbankinn, Reykjavík
- Kraken, Reykjavík
- Binance, Reykjavík
- Icelandic Bank, Reykjavík
- Aldir ehf., Reykjavík
- Alfa Framtak ehf., Reykjavík
- …
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and it’s recommended to verify the accuracy of the information with each provider individually.
For more information on these providers or to verify their credentials, please contact the relevant authorities or visit their official websites.