Financial Crime World

Iraq Launches Financial Investigations Handbook to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Strengthening Efforts Against Financial Crimes

Baghdad, Iraq - November 27, 2023: The Government of Iraq has taken a significant step towards enhancing its efforts to combat money laundering and terrorism financing by launching the Financial Investigations Handbook. This comprehensive guide is designed to equip Iraqi authorities with the necessary knowledge and techniques to effectively investigate financial irregularities and illicit activities.

Launch Ceremony Attended by High-Ranking Officials

The launch ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials from the Federal and Kurdistan Regional Governments, including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Council, His Excellency Dr. Faeq Zaidan. Dr. Zaidan commended the efforts of those involved in developing the handbook, emphasizing that Iraq’s success in confiscating assets generated from money laundering crimes is a testament to its commitment to international standards for combating money laundering and terrorism financing.

Key Features of the Financial Investigations Handbook

  • A comprehensive guide designed to equip Iraqi authorities with the necessary knowledge and techniques to effectively investigate financial irregularities and illicit activities
  • Provides clear instructions and practical insights, empowering law enforcement agencies, auditors, and legal professionals to uncover hidden financial trails, expose corrupt practices, and ensure justice is served
  • Developed through a collaborative effort between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq and 11 partner institutions from the Federal and Kurdistan regions

UNDP’s Role in Supporting Iraq’s Efforts Against Corruption

The development of the handbook was made possible through the support of the UNDP in Iraq. The UNDP Resident Representative in Iraq, Mr. Auke Lootsma, commended the courage and persistence of those working to combat corruption, financial crimes, and money laundering.

Expected Impact of the Financial Investigations Handbook

  • Enhance the country’s financial integrity
  • Attract foreign investment
  • Foster economic growth
  • Play a critical role in enhancing transparency and accountability

UNDP Iraq’s Security Sector Reform and Rule of Law Programme

The UNDP in Iraq supports the Government of Iraq’s efforts towards reconciliation, reform, and stability through its Security Sector Reform and Rule of Law Programme. The programme aims to support the government’s efforts towards long-term peace and stability by improving the security and justice sector.

Contact Information for Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, please contact: Doreen Kansiime, Communications Specialist, Strategic Partnerships, Advocacy, and Communications, UNDP Iraq. | +9647866996115 Mohammed Al-Bahbahanee, Communications Specialist, Strategic Partnerships, Advocacy, and Communications, UNDP Iraq. | +9647704399222