Financial Crime World

A New Alliance Against Financial Crime: ISS and Namibian Authorities Join Forces

Crime Prevention Expertise Put to Work in Namibia

Date: 25 January 2018 Location: Windhoek, Namibia

The International Crisis Group (ISS), in collaboration with the Namibian police, is developing an inclusive national crime prevention strategy, marking an important milestone in the fight against financial crime in Namibia.

Addressing the Challenge of Financial Crime

Financial crimes, including money laundering and fraud, have long been a concern for Namibian authorities. These illicit activities have penetrated various sectors of the economy, causing substantial losses and creating an unfavorable business environment. The collaboration between ISS and the Namibian police is a response to this persistent issue.

The Impact of Financial Crimes

  • Undermines societal trust
  • Stability of financial institutions at risk
  • Hinders economic development

Commitment to a Safer Namibia

Commissioner Inspector-General Sebastiaan Naukavas, Namibian Police: “This partnership with ISS builds on our commitment to creating a safer Namibia for all its citizens.”

Outcomes of the ISS-Namibian Police Partnership

  1. Enhanced understanding of financial crimes and their impact on Namibian society
  2. Improved coordination between various actors in preventing and detecting financial crimes
  3. Strengthened investigative and analytical capabilities of Namibian authorities
  4. Enhanced capacity to develop and implement evidence-based policy and best practices for financial crime prevention

Rinaldo Ieva, Program Manager of ISS’s Global Observatory on Transnational Crimes: “ISS is committed to working with Namibian authorities to help prevent financial crimes that undermine economic growth and social stability.”

International Collaboration in the Fight Against Financial Crimes

This collaboration between ISS and the Namibian police represents a growing trend of international organizations collaborating with local authorities to address the complex issue of financial crimes. Such partnerships can lead to better outcomes in terms of prevention, detection, and prosecution.

A Model for Similar Partnerships

As the collaboration between ISS and the Namibian authorities progresses, it will serve as a model for similar partnerships in other countries. This alliance is expected to contribute to strengthening Namibia’s financial sector and fostering a more secure and prosperous future for its citizens.