Financial Crime World

Japan Cracks Down on Financial Crime: Understanding AML/CTF Investigation Procedures

In recent years, Japan has been taking a robust approach to combating illicit financial activities. At the forefront of this effort is the Japan Financial Intelligence Centre (JAFIC), a division of the National Police Agency’s Criminal Investigation Bureau. In this article, we will delve into the importance of AML/CTF regulations in Japan and provide insights on the procedures used by JAFIC to investigate suspicious financial activities.

The Role of JAFIC

Established in 2007, JAFIC plays a vital role in gathering, organizing, and evaluating suspicious transaction reports (STRs) submitted by financial institutions. This data is then shared with public prosecutors and law enforcement agencies to facilitate effective investigations.

Key Responsibilities of JAFIC

  • Gathering and analyzing STRs from financial institutions
  • Sharing information with relevant authorities and judicial bodies
  • Providing support for law enforcement operations and criminal prosecutions

Compliance Programs in Japan

To comply with AML/CTF regulations in Japan, financial institutions are required to implement comprehensive compliance programs that address every aspect of their operations. These programs must include:

Essential Components of a Compliance Program

  • Establishing internal policies to ensure adherence to relevant laws and regulations
  • Appointing an officer responsible for monitoring compliance with Japanese AML legislation
  • Implementing AML policies at foreign subsidiaries and branches comparable to those mandated by Japanese law
  • Providing ongoing training for Compliance and Anti-Financial Crime departments and units
  • Sharing information with relevant authorities and judicial bodies to support law enforcement operations and criminal prosecutions
  • Obtaining information from official and unofficial sources about hidden financial transactions
  • Receiving and responding to inquiries about allegedly money-laundering transactions from organizations covered by Japanese AML regulations

The Importance of Information Gathering and Analysis

The gathering and analysis of information are critical components of a compliance program, allowing institutions to identify and report suspicious activities in a timely manner.

Benefits of Effective Compliance Programs

  • Preventing financial crimes
  • Protecting the integrity of the financial system
  • Enhancing reputation and trust among stakeholders


By strengthening its AML/CTF regulations and implementation procedures, Japan aims to prevent financial crimes and protect the integrity of its financial system. As the country continues to evolve its regulatory framework, financial institutions must remain vigilant and adapt their compliance programs to ensure they are meeting the requirements set by Japanese authorities.