Jordan Cabinet Approves New Amendments to Anti-Corruption Law
Enhancing Independence and Capabilities of Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission
September 24, 2020 - Amman, Jordan: The Jordanian cabinet has approved new amendments to the country’s anti-corruption law, aimed at strengthening the independence and capabilities of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission.
The Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission was established in 2016 as part of a comprehensive reform process aimed at creating the foundations of integrity, transparency, justice, and equality in Jordan. The commission has been tasked with combating corruption in all its forms, including ensuring adherence to national integrity principles, investigating governmental corruption, and prosecuting those who commit acts of corruption.
Key Amendments
The new amendments grant the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission more financial and organizational independence, allowing it to enhance its capabilities in pursuing cases related to corruption. The law also gives the commission the right to conduct corruption investigations related to money laundering crimes and makes settlements with perpetrators possible if they return the money in accordance with the provisions of the Economic Crimes Law.
Additionally, the amendments address the abuse of power in crimes of corruption, where abusers obtain or attempt to obtain public office, public services, bids, contracts, or any other undeserved advantage from the government. The law also considers as corruption criminal acts stated in article 59 of Election Law No. 6 of 2016, including bribery to induce voters to vote in a particular manner.
International Accords
The new amendments bring Jordan’s laws into closer accord with international conventions and agreements, such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the Arab Anti-Corruption Agreement.
Jordan’s commitment to combating corruption is expected to enhance investor confidence in the integrity of state institutions, support sustainable development, and improve the country’s international reputation.
The approval of these amendments marks a significant step forward in Jordan’s efforts to combat corruption and promote transparency and good governance. The commission will now be better equipped to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption, and to promote a culture of integrity and accountability throughout the country.