Financial Crime World

Jordan’s Shadowy Underworld: Corruption and Organized Crime Thrive Amidst Political Instability

Amman, Jordan - Despite being touted as a beacon of stability in the Middle East, Jordan is grappling with a darker reality. A thriving underworld of corruption and organized crime has taken root, fueled by historical tribal loyalties and nepotism.

The Wasta Effect

In Jordan’s hierarchical society, those with good “wasta” (connections to powerful individuals or families) can expedite procedures, gain exclusive access to services and information, and even influence legislation to their advantage. This system of patronage has created a culture of cronyism, where the well-connected are often rewarded at the expense of the ordinary citizen.

Tribal Ties

Jordan’s tribal structures, which stretch across borders into Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, have given rise to mafia-style groups that operate with impunity. While these groups may not pose an immediate threat to Jordanian society, their activities perpetuate a culture of corruption and undermine trust in government institutions.

Government Efforts

Despite the challenges, the Jordanian government has taken steps to address corruption and organized crime. The country has:

  • Ratified international treaties to combat money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Established extradition regulations with other nations

However, the effectiveness of these measures is limited by a lack of transparency and accountability within government institutions.

Civil Society Concerns

Jordan’s civil society organizations are active in promoting women’s rights and combating human trafficking. However, they face challenges from:

  • Restrictive laws
  • Government pressure
  • Limited access to media

The media remains largely controlled, with self-censorship prevalent due to threats of fines and imprisonment.

Economic Strains

Jordan’s economy is struggling with:

  • High levels of debt
  • Unemployment
  • Poverty
  • Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic

The informal sector dominates, driven by:

  • High taxes
  • Lack of trust in government institutions

As Jordan navigates these complex issues, it is clear that corruption and organized crime are entrenched problems that require sustained effort to address. Until then, the country’s reputation as a beacon of stability will remain tarnished by its shadowy underworld.