Jordan Grapples with Financial Crime Epidemic: Study Reveals Shocking Statistics
A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Jordan has shed light on the alarming prevalence of financial crimes in the country. According to the report, titled “Inmates in Rehabilitation Centres”, financial offences and fraud are the most common types of crime committed in Jordan.
Common Types of Crime in Jordan
Top Three Most Prevalent Crimes
- Financial offences and fraud: 1st most prevalent type of crime
- Felonies: 2nd most prevalent type of crime
- Misdemeanors: 3rd most prevalent type of crime
Other Significant Issues
- Immoral acts in public
- Drug use
Causes of the Surge in Financial Crimes
Experts attribute the surge in financial crimes to regional changes and the influx of refugees and residents in urban and rural areas. “The increasing crime rate is a reflection of the social, economic, and environmental pressures facing many Jordanians,” said Hmoud Oleimat, one of the researchers involved in the study.
Recommendations for Addressing Financial Crimes
Holistic Approach
- Raising awareness about the issues affecting inmates from an economic, humanitarian, and social perspective
- Providing assistance and support to prisoners and their families, particularly those referred to rehabilitation centers
Alternative Sentencing Methods
- Categorizing and housing inmates by age and type of crime committed
- Reducing the number of prisoners and minimizing the risk of recidivism
Reviewing Legislation
- Amending penalties to make them more effective
- Monitoring professional criminals
- Providing follow-up programs for those released from prison